Lesson 3 - Danitra Brown

Discussion Questions:


1.  What are some of the summer activities Danitra suggests at the beginning of the poem?


2.  How does Zuri feel when Danitra wants to Zuri to see her off at the station?


3.  Why does Danitra think Zuri might like being in the country?


4.  What makes this story a narrative poem?


5.  What is this poem mostly about?


6.  Why does Danitra refuse to jump down from the tree?  What comment does she make to the others?


7.  How does the reader know Zuri is jealous of Danitra's trip?


8.  What is alike and different about the ways Zuri and Danitra celebrate the fourth of July?




Stroll: to walk in a slow relaxed way

Sizzle: it is very hot and makes sizzling sounds

Particular: one perfect thing of its kind

Clusters: small groups of people or things close together

Surrender: When you stop fighting with someone

Sparkling: Something that is shiny, clear, and bright