Jackie Mitchell    Strikeout Queen

Discussion Questions:

1.  At the beginning of the story, what is the main reason the crowd is curious about Jackie?


2.  What are the features of the genre "biography" ?


3.  What is Jackie's main problem in the story?


4.  How does Jackie's determination help her in the story?


5.  Why does Babe Ruth think women should not play baseball?  What kind of rude comments does he make?


6.  Jackie throws a strike right away to Babe.  How does Babe react?  What does Jackie do next?


7.  How does Jackie prepare herself for the baseball game?


8.  Why is Jackie happy at the end of the story?



Glared: to stare at a person in an angry way

Legendary: a person who is especially famous for something he or she did a long time ago.

Muttered: said something very quietly because you did not want to be heard.

Gaped: you stared at something open-mouthed in surprise.

Flinched: To move quickly away from something dangerous or painful.

Fluke: something that happens by accident

Snickering: Someone is laughing quietly at them because they did something silly.

Stunned: When you are amazed by something shocking happened.






